Saturday, August 05, 2006

High Cascade Night Photo Shoot

Scott Stevens

Tim Humphreys - FS 3 indy tweak

Zac Marben hosts a mini dance party on the jump deck

Wille Yli-Louma - Boosting a huge BS180

Scott Stevens and Joe Carlino try to get a trick tip done despite Preston Strouts best advertising efforts.

Robbie Sell - Stalefish Tweak

Tim Zimmerman

Zac Marben FS 9

Johnny Miller and Preston

Zac Marben - Switch Method with style to spare

Brendan Hayes - FS Board

Mike Ramierez - mid BS 7

Jesse Burtner & Johnny Miller - Double Russians

Zac Marben and Brendan Hayes learning Japanese

Preston Strout making snowboard history with a darkslide

Friday, August 04, 2006

High Cascade Downday

I told you I'd get these online in 15 days. Its been three. You are very welcome. This is the second day at HCSC. The first day I shot film on hill, and got some really sweet shots I thought. It was fun for awhile to anticipate seeing my developed images, but that fun ended when I found out my roll of film didn't wind through my camera, resulting in blank images. My reaction was captured perfectly by Mr Tim Zimmerman below.

PS: I will post photos from day 3's daytime and night photoshoots soon. Be on the lookout. They are rad.

(click image for larger version)

Me after finding out my roll of film from the first day was ruined.

Zimmerman, Lance, Robbie, Mike

Trevor Graves

The above 4 are a small little idea I had. I kept meeting people from all over the US who were in Mt Hood for the same exact reason. To slide in a generally downward direction on a peculiarly white solid state of water. I think it shows the community and draw of snowboarding/skiing that knows no region or boundary.

Tim Zimmerman

"You'd better get those pictures before this place is all commercialized and *stuff*!"

"Is this bike artsy enough?"

Nick Hamilton (TWS Photo Editor)

"The Cave"

Micah Hollinger Ollie

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I just returned from Mt Hood's High Cascade Snowboard Camp's Photo Workshop, which was probably the most informative/fun/productive 4 days of snowboarding and photo taking ever. Unfortunately for you (and me) the computers I worked on at camp were Macs, and this is a Windows machine. SO therefore my files wont open. NOT COOL. But no worries, I will be recieving my MacBook Pro in 15 days. But, with all that will be going on in the first week of my first year at college, there are no garauntees as far as when I will get around to turning the DNG's into Jpegs for on here. So hang tight people. It'll be worth it.

Props go out to Tim Zimmerman and Trevor Graves for running such an amazing workshop and for lending me equipment when mine gave me a fit. Also to Nick Hamilton for taking us out and teaching us all about flashes. And also to all the riders for working with me on ideas, esp Zac Marben, Mike Ramirez (who was also a muy bueno counselour)